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2 Peter 3:7 But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years and a thousand years as one day! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - FIRST: Anyone who has ever read the Bible from Genesis to Revelation, will walk away knowing at least one thing.... that God, the Bible and the number-7 are inextricably linked together and such number plays a major role in the overall prophetic scheme of things! It is safe to say that the number-7 is indeed God's favorite number. It is His official seal and creative finger-print, visible throughout all creation and history! The use of this divine number-7 within the holy scripture, is always closely linked to Completion, Perfection, Judgment, Blessing, Favor, Victory and/or Rest! What is also noteworthy about this number-7, is that the Bible is now one big book, comprised of 66-books that were written and compiled over a span of at least 1,500-years (and probably more), by 40-authors, most of which never new each other, yet a common reoccurring theme and thread exists between these Authors. There are at least, 3-distinctly notable similarities between these Authors:
1) The Bible reads and the scribes claim that it has One Author with One theme 2) They each claim Divine Inspiration and/or claim to had close encounters with the Creator 3) This Creator interacted with them in ways often entailing and instructing the use of the number-7 So, before we delve into the details of this mysterious number-7, we are going to list just SOME of the major Biblical and Historical Events that entail the number-7 in a significant way, just so you can see for yourself, the obvious importance and evident role of this number to God. If this number is not important to you now, it will be after you read and research these claims below! As you read, switch back and forth from what you read below, with the Gods Master Plan up at the top of the page, to get a visual on what you're reading! Now lets unravel this amazing mystery behind God's favorite number-7. (7) - IN NATURE a) Seven ~ Days in a week b) Seven ~ Colors in a Rainbow c) Seven ~ Notes in Musical Scale d) Seven~ Continents upon the face of Earth e) Seven ~ Layers of Skin on Human-Body - (2-dermis/5-epidermis) f) Seven ~ Openings in the Human Head - (2-nose, 2-eyes, 2-ears, 1-mouth) g) Seven ~ Seas - (Arctic, Antarctic, N-Atlantic, S-Atlantic, N-Pacific, S-Pacific, Indian) (7) - IN SCRIPTURE ● Gen 2:2-3 ~ God creates everything in 6-days and said each day "was good", but God blessed, sanctified and rested upon the 7th day ● Gen 5:21-24 ~ Enoch is listed in Birth records as the 7th generation from Adam and Eve. Enoch never died, for God took Him to heaven ● Gen 8:10-11 ~ Noah waits 7-days to send out a Dove to find dry land, but Dove returns to Noah on 7th day with Olive-Branch in its mouth ● Gen 41:1-7 ~ Pharaoh has one dream with 7-fat cows and 7-skinny cows. Another dream with 7-ears of ripe corn and 7-ears of bad corn ● Exo 21:1-2 ~ Voluntary Servants were required to work for 6-years straight, but then be set free, with land and cattle, in the 7th-year ● Exo 24:16 ~ God's glory rests on Mt. Sinai, covered by clouds for 6-days, but on 7th day, clouds are removed and all see Gods' glory ● Lev 16:19 ~ Priests were instructed to dip their finger in blood, then to sprinkle the blood with his finger 7-times, over the people ● Lev 25:3-8 ~ The Land was to be tilled and harvested for 6-years but in the 7th year, no tilling, no harvest, just let the land rest ● Due 7:1 ~ God tells Israel that He will bring them into the Promised Land and once there, to cast out the 7-surrounding Nations of Israel ● Jos 6:3-20 ~ Israelites march around Jericho once a day for 6-days. On 7th day, they march 7-times, with 7-Priests/7-Trumpets, walls fall down ● 2Ki 5:1-14 ~ Elijah tells Syrian with leprosy to dip himself 7-times in Jordon River to be healed by God. Syrian obeys and is healed on 7th dip ● Psalm 12:6 ~ King David wrote a song that says, "the Words of the Lord are pure words, like precious gold refined in a furnace, 7-times" ● Mat 15:36-37 ~ Jesus miraculously multiplies 7-loafs of bread, then feeds 5-thousand people, with 7-Baskets of food left-over ● Mat 18:21 ~ Jesus teaches disciples, if your brother sins against you repeatedly, to forgive your brother 70 x 7 times ● Mark 9:2 ~ After 6-days, Jesus takes disciples upon a high mountain, where Jesus transfigures before their eyes on 7th Day ● Luke 11:2-3 ~ Jesus teaches them a format to prayer, known as the "The Lord's Prayer" and the "Our Father"- a 7-petition prayer ● Hebrew 4:4 ~ Scripture says if Joshuah would have allowed Israelites to rest from marching on 7th day, Israelites would have perished ● Revelation ~ The 7-Churches, 7-Spirits, 7-Eyes, 7-Gold Lamp-stands, 7-Seals, 7-Bowls, 7-Trumpets, 7-Plagues, 7-Angels, 7-Woes, 7-Thunders (7) - IN HISTORY
a) Not only has God manipulated past biblical events using number 7, God has also repeated the same in our day and time! - (see pics below) b) Six-Day War of 1967, then after the 6th day, on the 7th Day, the Jews recapture and posses Jerusalem as their capital - (see pics below) c) Stock Market crashes by 777-points, bursting Real-Estate bubble in 2008, exactly 7-Prophetic years after 911 - (see pics below) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
2 Peter 3:7 But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years and a thousand years as one day! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - You should now be able to agree, that the number-7, plays an integral role in scripture, nature and history! But what about this 7,000-years of time? Where does 7,000-years of time come from? For starters, go and read the scripture-verses listed in the upper Right-Hand corner of GMP, starting with 2Peter 3:8 which says, “for one day is with the Lord as a thousand years and a thousand years as a day” to see if you can solve the mystery behind this number of biblical proportions. If 1-day=1,000-yrs with God, then what would 7-days equal to Him? It would equal 7,000-yrs of time to God, according to scripture.
BIBLICAL NUMERICS 1-DAY = 1,000 years 2-DAYS = 2,000 years 7-DAYS = 7,000 years We can now logically and biblically deduce that Gods' Master Plan clearly involves the number (7) with a time frame of 7,000-years. As we have seen above, God has revealed this Master Number throughout His Creation (7-day week, 7-Continents, 7-Seas, 7-Rainbow Colors, 7-Human Skin Layers, 7-Note Music Scale, 7-Human Skull Holes), throughout scripture and history! Would it be a stretch of the imagination to also believe that God has allotted 7,000-years of time to complete His Master Plan, to deal with man, sin, suffering and death, once and for all? As evidenced by all of earth History, God has revealed portions of His Master Plan by staging and/or controlling major events, pulling strings from behind the scenes, of which, numerous Historians have recorded and multiple Archaeologists have discovered, these multiple historic artifacts that point to and prove these multiple stories recorded in Scripture to be true, including those significant stories revealing that symbolic number (7). Evidently, the Prophets of old uttered this mysterious number 7 often, because God had told them to do so, for a divine rhyme, remedy and reason! (Psalm 12:6). How do we know for sure, that God has planned 7,000 of time for His master Plan? Have we not been here for millions of years already? According to scripture, we have only been here approximately 6,000-years, not millions of years! There is absolutely NO SCIENTIFIC PROOF that we have been here for millions of years. The Bible emphatically declares us as a YOUNG EARTH. We will cover this topic of EVOLUTION vs. CREATION on other pages, but for now, here is the chronological time-frame of our Origins and History below: BIBLICAL CHRONOLOGY OF ORIGINS AND HISTORY: According to the Genealogies, (birth records listed in Genesis chapters 5, 11 and 50), we can deduce that from ADAM to the death of JOSEPH, that 2,248-years transpired. Then add approx. 30-yrs after JOSEPHS’ death, for the start of Jewish enslavement. Add 400-yrs (Gen 15:13) for the Jews enslavement. All these calculations, brings us to 2,678-yrs from ADAM. Then, in 1Kings 6:1 we read that from the time the children of Israel came out of Egypt, up to the 4th year reign of the wisest man King SOLOMON, transpired 408-years. Then, Solomon reigned 36-years after that, bringing us to a combined total of 3,122-yrs. from ADAM. Then, carefully study 2Chronicles chapters 10–36, starting with the death of SOLOMON to the last known King, we can ascertain that 403-yrs transpired, totaling 3,525-yrs from ADAM, which would be 475 bc. History then records King Xerxes in 444 bc, totaling 3,556-yrs. from ADAM. And 444-years later, Jesus was born, totaling 4,000-years since Adam. And from Christ until now, about 2,000-years has transpired, totaling about 6,000-years since ADAM. In 2015, the Jewish Calendar will date us to be in the year 5784 from the Creation. We can see, that we are in the 6th Day, or according to the Holy scriptures, approaching 6,000-years of time, since Adam and Eve. We have not been here Billions of years, as they have led us to believe. We have been here only thousands of years! Evolution is but a Theory and a very poor one at that -(1Ti 6:20‐21). Instead, let us wholly trust in Gods’ Holy Word today and forevermore! (Jer 33:3 • Psa 138:2 • Pro 30:5‐6 • 2Pet 1:19‐21 • 1Cor 1:20 • 1Cor 3:19). Finally, lets see what we can glean, ascertain and discover from these several biblical stories below. What do these ancient stories really reveal about this mysterious number 7? What message is God attempting to convey? Is there indeed a story behind the story? A hidden meaning? Lets read on! GOD BLESSED-SANCTIFIED-RESTED ON DAY-7
Which biblical story has the most profound significance, that involves this mysterious number 7? It is the most important story found in the Bible, for without this creative event, we would not be here, researching these numerical matters we are discussing even now! Give up yet? The most important and notable story entailing the number 7, is the 7-Day Account of Creation, wherein God worked for 6-days, but rested on the 7th-Day. Not only did God REST on the 7th-Day, it says that God BLESSED and SANCTIFIED the 7th Day. Wow, from the beginning, we see God giving special attention to the 7th Day of Creation. God did not BLESS or SANCTIFY the previous 6-days wherein He created ALL KNOWN THINGS in the Universe. God did say at the end of each created day, that "it was good", but He did not bless or sanctify those previous 6-days. Only the 7th Day did God bless and sanctify. But why? He did not create anything on the 7th Day. He simply RESTED... QUESTION: What was God thinking of, doing and up to on the 7th day? What was His reason for BLESSING and SANCTIFYING the 7-TH DAY only? ANSWER: Just as God blessed, sanctified (set-apart for special use) and rested from ALL His work on the 7th Day, so shall God bless, sanctify and Rest again on this 7th Day Millennial Rest, God will bring rest to and for the benefit of, all mankind on this 7th-Day or as properly interpreted by scripture, in this coming 7th-Millenium of time, commencing at the beginning of the 7,000th year! This 7th-Day or 7th-Millennium Rest has been reserved for none other than Messiah Jesus, the Prince of Peace, King of Kings and Lord of Lords and His people, wherein, we shall cease from and have REST from all of our labors, pains, trials, toils and wars, wherein Peace and Righteousness shall flow like a mighty river! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
ISAIAH 2:4 And he shall judge among the nations, and shall rebuke many people: and they shall beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning-hooks: nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they study war any more! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ISAIAH 14:3-7 It shall come to pass in the day that the LORD shall give thee rest from thy sorrows, and from thy fear and from the hard bondage wherein you were made to serve... The LORD has broken the staff of the wicked and the sceptre of the rulers. He who smote the people in wrath with a continual stroke, he that ruled the nations in anger, is now persecuted and none shall prevent Him from accomplishing it. The whole earth is at rest and quiet: they break forth into singing! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - HEBREWS 4:9-11 So then there still remains a rest to the people of God. For he who has entered into his rest, he also has ceased from his own works as God did from His. Therefore let us labor to enter into that rest, lest anyone fall after the same example of unbelief - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - REVELATION 20:6 Blessed and holy is he that has part in the first resurrection: on such the second death has no power but they shall be priests of God and of Christ, and shall reign with him a thousand years!
GOD RAPTURES ENOCH OUT OF GENERATION-7 God snatches Enoch from off the face of the earth into heaven! But why? Enoch was from the 7th Generation of people upon the earth according to the Genealogies (birth records) found in Genesis 5:21-24. Every birth recorded before Enoch and after Enoch, reveals that all the others eventually died, but not Enoch. The Genealogies reveal that Enoch WAS NOT for GOD TOOK HIM from off the face of the earth, up into Heaven. God snatched Enoch away! But why? Take note, that Enoch was the 6th Generation from Adam and if you include Adam, Enoch was the 7th Generation of man upon the earth! QUESTION: What was God thinking of, doing and up to with the 7th Generation of man? What was His reason for snatching away Enoch? ANSWER: Just as God took Enoch at the end of the 6th-Generation and simultaneously at the beginning of the 7th-Generation, so God is going to SNATCH AWAY and RAPTURE HIS BRIDE the Church, into Heaven at the end of 6th-millenium/beginning of 7th-Millenium, just as He did with Enoch. NOAH'S DOVE RETURNS WITH OLIVE BRANCH ON DAY-7 Noah send out dove on 7th day but Dove returns same day because the Dove found no where to rest, for the waters were not yet abated from off the earth. Noah then waits another 7-days to send out the Dove, but this time, the Dove comes back with an Olive Branch in its mouth! Noah again waits 7-days, releases the Dove, but Dove never returns, because it found a home in the new post-flood earth? In this actual event, we see the number 7-7-7. QUESTION: What was God thinking of, doing and up to with 3-sets of 7-days? What was His reason for giving us this real account of Noah and Dove? ANSWER: Remember, the Dove was sent out a total of 3-times with 7-days in between each flight. Just as the Dove returned the FIRST TIME on the 7th-day, because it FOUND NO PLACE TO REST it's feet, likewise, when the Holy-Spirit was sent to the earth THE FIRST TIME to be with ADAM and EVE, the Holy-Spirit returned from earth to the Father because the Holy-Spirit found NO PLACE TO REST because ADAM and EVE had sinned against God, resulting in separation from God. The SECOND TIME the Dove was sent out on the 7th-Day, the Dove returned (symbolic of Holy Spirit) returned on the 7th Day with an Olive branch (which represents peace) in its beak and the waters were now peaceful and calm, likewise, in the 7th-millenium the Holy Spirit will return to earth after leaving it for 7-years during the Tribulation, with an Olive Branch in its beak, because there will be Peace, for the Prince of Peace Jesus will sit upon the Throne in Jerusalem, the city of Peace! The THIRD TIME the Dove was released, it returned no more... Why? Because the Dove FOUND A PLACE TO REST its feet. Likewise, the Holy-Spirit will FIND REST with MAN on EARTH on the 7th-Day or 7th-Millenium, when Jesus returns to rule on earth, for the TABERNACLE (house) OF GOD SHALL DWELL (live) WITH MAN forevermore! Can all these stories, that you have read thus far, possibly be a coincidence? I think not. God was behind the scenes, controlling the events and outcomes depicted herein, so that you and I may read from His wonderful Word and be convinced THAT GOD IS ON THE THRONE and just as He had seen Noah and His Family THROUGH THE STORMS, so shall our God lead us through ALL THE STORMS OF LIFE so that OUR ARK may LAND SAFELY, sound, secure and be at REST with God and man, in his loving arms as He shall wipe away our every tear! I don't know about you brethren, but I a getting goose bumps just typing this revelation out to you, in hopes that you may see what God Almighty has shown me and that you may stand in awe, be still, know that He is God and render unto Him the thanks and worship due to His Holy name, for he alone is worthy! Finally, Jesus is the Ark and all those who trust Him will land safely! PHARAOH DREAMS OF 7-FAT COWS AND 7-THIN COWS More Coming Soon! Pharaoh dreams of 7-Fat Cows that are eaten by 7-Skinny Cows! But why? SERVANTS WORK 6-YEARS AND RELEASED IN YEAR-7 More Coming Soon!. CLOUD HIDES GOD 6-DAYS / CLOUDS VANISH DAY-7 PRIEST SPRINKLE BLOOD OVER PEOPLE 7-TIMES LAND TILLED FOR 6-YEARS BUT RESTED ON YEAR-7 HEBREWS ENTER PROMISED LAND AFTER OUSTING 7-NATIONS WALLS FALL AS JEWS MARCH AROUND WALL 7-TIMES ON DAY-7 GOD TELLS LEPER TO DIP HIMSELF IN RIVER 7-TIMES BIBLE SAYS GODS WORD LIKE GOLD REFINED 7-TIMES KING DAVID SINGS PRAISES TO GOD 7-TIMES A DAY JESUS FEEDS 5,000 BY MULTIPLYING 7-LOAVES JESUS TEACHES TO FORGIVE BROTHER 70 TIMES 7 JESUS TRANSFIGURES BEFORE APOSTLES ON DAY-7 JESUS TEACHES PEOPLE TO PRAY A 7-PETITION PRAYER BOOK OF REVELATION FULL OF SYMBOLS FOLLOWED BY 7 MORE INFO TO THIS PAGE COMING SOON... |