These 2-Witnesses are none other than Enoch and Elijah. The Birth Records found in Gen chapter 5, reveal the year of birth, age when child born and age at death of those born from Adam to Noah. There is also another Birth Record found in Genesis chapter 11, which covers the same info from Noah to Abraham. Enoch is recorded in the First Record of Birth and is listed as the 6th Generation from Adam and as the 7th Generation of people on the Earth, if you include Adam into the mix. But interestingly enough, Enoch is not listed for death. This Birth Record states that Enoch did not die, for “God took Him” (Gen 5:24). Wow… that’s strange! Why would God take Enoch? And to where? About 1,400-years later, we find another Prophet, named Elijah whom God took off the Earth and into Heaven by a heavenly mode of transportation, called Chariots (2Kings 2:11).
But why did God take these 2-men? God took Enoch and Elijah as 2-Human prototypes; Enoch who lived before the Great Flood of Noah's Day, known of Ancient times and Elijah was taken, who lived after the Flood of Noah's Day. These 2-Witnesses have never tasted death. They are the 2-Anointed Ones that stand day and night before the Lord Creator of earth, who are symbolically typified as 2-Olive Trees that observe, through the 7-Eyes of the Spirit, all that has or will take place under the Sun (Zec 4:10‐14 • Rev 11:3‐4). Why are they observing us? They are preparing to be Gods' credible eye-witnesses to a truth deficit world, in the latter-days when our planet will plunge into great darkness for a period of 7-yrs!
These 2-Mysterious men will return to earth in the Latter Days to Prophesy and give eye-witness testimony to all inhabitants of Earth, for 42-months, revealing the truth about our History and Future. They will declare that our planet is a "Young Earth", not an old-earth as Evolutionist teach. They will declare that Evolution is a Lie and that Dinosaurs roamed the Earth with man from the 6th Day of Creation and perished in the Great Flood of Noah's day around 2344bc (which is why we find whole skeletal fossil remains in sediment, all over the planet), which was, according to scripture, exactly 1656-years after the creation. These 2-Witnesses will debunk Evolution, Climate Change, Global Warming and the numerous pseudo-scientists, politicians and religious teachers of that coming day! They will warn many that Anti-Christ is a False Christ, who is Satan incarnate, and will encourage all to repent of their sins because Jesus is returning soon. They will further persuade men to not take this coming universal Mark of the Beast, of which no man may buy or sell without.
But why did God take these 2-men? God took Enoch and Elijah as 2-Human prototypes; Enoch who lived before the Great Flood of Noah's Day, known of Ancient times and Elijah was taken, who lived after the Flood of Noah's Day. These 2-Witnesses have never tasted death. They are the 2-Anointed Ones that stand day and night before the Lord Creator of earth, who are symbolically typified as 2-Olive Trees that observe, through the 7-Eyes of the Spirit, all that has or will take place under the Sun (Zec 4:10‐14 • Rev 11:3‐4). Why are they observing us? They are preparing to be Gods' credible eye-witnesses to a truth deficit world, in the latter-days when our planet will plunge into great darkness for a period of 7-yrs!
These 2-Mysterious men will return to earth in the Latter Days to Prophesy and give eye-witness testimony to all inhabitants of Earth, for 42-months, revealing the truth about our History and Future. They will declare that our planet is a "Young Earth", not an old-earth as Evolutionist teach. They will declare that Evolution is a Lie and that Dinosaurs roamed the Earth with man from the 6th Day of Creation and perished in the Great Flood of Noah's day around 2344bc (which is why we find whole skeletal fossil remains in sediment, all over the planet), which was, according to scripture, exactly 1656-years after the creation. These 2-Witnesses will debunk Evolution, Climate Change, Global Warming and the numerous pseudo-scientists, politicians and religious teachers of that coming day! They will warn many that Anti-Christ is a False Christ, who is Satan incarnate, and will encourage all to repent of their sins because Jesus is returning soon. They will further persuade men to not take this coming universal Mark of the Beast, of which no man may buy or sell without.
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And when they shall have finished their testimony, the beast that ascends out of the
bottomless pit shall make war against them, shall overcome them and kill them. And their
dead bodies shall lie in the street of the great city, which spiritually is called Sodom and Egypt,
where our Lord was crucified. The people, kindred, tongues and nations shall see their dead
bodies three days and a half and shall not allow their bodies to be put in graves. And they that
dwell upon the earth shall rejoice over them, make merry and will send gifts one to another. . .
And after three days and an half the Spirit of life from God entered them & they stood-up
on their feet; and great fear fell upon them which saw them. And they heard a great voice
from heaven saying to them, Come up here, and they ascended up into heaven in a cloud;
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These same 2-Witnesses have been seen by many Bible characters, from various time periods, but were not recognized-(Dan 8:13). Not only have these mysterious 2-Witnesses seen Adam and Eve, they observed Dinosaurs roaming earth with man, observed the same Latter-Day visions given to both Daniel and the Apostle John and the whole history of planet earth, these (2) have also observed the Virginal Conception/Birth-Life-Death-Burial-Resurrection and Ascension of Jesus-(Luk 24:4) • (Act 1:11) • (Rev 19:10) • (Rev 20:28‐29)
Some Bible students and even bible scholars erroneously assume Moses to be 1 of the 2-Witnesses. However, Moses died (Deu 34:7) and his dead body was taken by Michael the Archangel to prevent Satan from stealing Moses' corpse, who evidently had nefarious reasons for wanting to steal the dead body of Moses (Jude 1: 9). Nevertheless, the Bible says “All Men are appointed once to die” -(Heb 9:27). Moses has already died and cannot die twice, according to scripture! However, on the other hand, both Enoch and Elijah were taken from earth by God Himself, evidently for a good reason! Enoch and Elijah have not yet died, but shall be killed by Anti-Christ, only to resurrect 3-days later -(Rev 11:7‐12).
God will send these 2-Witnesses Enoch and Elijah in the latter-days, so that anyone who might be willing to love God, receive His truth, their message and turn unto Jesus for the remission of their sins, so as to be eternally saved, and thereby, be spared of eternal damnation, rather than stay in their strong delusion -(2Thes 2:11). These 2-Witnesses stand before the Lord of the earth and see all that takes place under our sun, who will return at the appointed time with His message: Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, the soon coming King, do not trust/believe Anti-Christ, nor take his Mark or you will perish forever! Jesus said, He came to save sinners -(1Ti 1:15) • (Luk 5:32)
Some Bible students and even bible scholars erroneously assume Moses to be 1 of the 2-Witnesses. However, Moses died (Deu 34:7) and his dead body was taken by Michael the Archangel to prevent Satan from stealing Moses' corpse, who evidently had nefarious reasons for wanting to steal the dead body of Moses (Jude 1: 9). Nevertheless, the Bible says “All Men are appointed once to die” -(Heb 9:27). Moses has already died and cannot die twice, according to scripture! However, on the other hand, both Enoch and Elijah were taken from earth by God Himself, evidently for a good reason! Enoch and Elijah have not yet died, but shall be killed by Anti-Christ, only to resurrect 3-days later -(Rev 11:7‐12).
God will send these 2-Witnesses Enoch and Elijah in the latter-days, so that anyone who might be willing to love God, receive His truth, their message and turn unto Jesus for the remission of their sins, so as to be eternally saved, and thereby, be spared of eternal damnation, rather than stay in their strong delusion -(2Thes 2:11). These 2-Witnesses stand before the Lord of the earth and see all that takes place under our sun, who will return at the appointed time with His message: Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, the soon coming King, do not trust/believe Anti-Christ, nor take his Mark or you will perish forever! Jesus said, He came to save sinners -(1Ti 1:15) • (Luk 5:32)