Basically, God will allow this Evil One to rule upon the earth, because mankind in the Last-Days will want nothing to do with God and His Plan and will instead, worship and serve this False-Christ to come. In essence, God is going to give mankind over to what they desire most! Man wants freedom from the moral restraints found in Gods Laws, the Bible and take issue with those fanatical Jews and Christians who believe such biblical teachings and warnings -(Mat 24:9 • Psa 2:1‐12). They want freedom to do whatever tickles their fancy. Mankind wants nothing to do with God and believe that either God does not exist or that THEY THEMSELVES are gods. This is the same Lie that Satan told Adam/Eve in the Garden. Satan told them that God did not want them to eat of the Tree of Good and Evil, because God knew that if they did eat, their eyes would open to truth, that YOU are GODS (Gen 3:6).
Further, remember when God birthed the Nation of Israel by delivering them out from under the bondage of Egypt as slaves? After awhile, the Israelites no longer wanted anything to do with God and His Plan for them. Israel turned from God and instead worshiped false gods. When they became deluded and disinterested with God, they approached God’s Prophet Samuel and said “GIVE US A MAN KING TO JUDGE US, LIKE THE OTHER NATIONS”. Samuel attempted to persuade them otherwise and told them that God was their King and that no man is like unto Him. The Prophet Samuel solemnly protested saying, "A Man King will burden you with many taxes and steal your land, crops and children from you and lead you to worship false gods, causing God’s wrath and Judgment against you and your children". So how did the Israelites respond to Samuel's public protest? They loudly and immediately replied, “GIVE US A MAN-KING”. So the Lord said to Samuel, “They have rejected me as King. I shall give them what they want" -(1Sa 8:5‐22).
Likewise, in the same way that ancient Israel rejected God as their God and King and God gave them what they wanted, so likewise, in the latter-days, shall all nations reject Jesus as their God and King, who was ordained of God, long before time even began (Psalms 2:6-8) and God shall give mankind what they want... a world without Him interfering with their pet-peeve lusts, desires and sins! God must allow Satan to rule for a short-time, showing a naive, candid, rebellious and doubting world that JESUS ALONE is King and when He returns, Jesus will defeat this impostor god Satan, in plain view, for all to see, thus delivering us from all evil-doers, death and further suffering! -(Isa 14:13‐17 • Rev 19:11‐20).
Within a very short-span of 7-years, this coming Devil in the flesh, called Anti-Christ, will bring this world into utter chaos and to the brink of utter annihilation, but Jesus will return to save the day. Followed by this time of trouble, that this world has never seen and will never see again ~ (Mat 24:21), will be a thousand years reign of Peace and prosperity like the world has never seen under the rule and leadership of King Jesus, the one and only faithful and true Prince of Peace, accompanied by His many redeemed servants!
Further, remember when God birthed the Nation of Israel by delivering them out from under the bondage of Egypt as slaves? After awhile, the Israelites no longer wanted anything to do with God and His Plan for them. Israel turned from God and instead worshiped false gods. When they became deluded and disinterested with God, they approached God’s Prophet Samuel and said “GIVE US A MAN KING TO JUDGE US, LIKE THE OTHER NATIONS”. Samuel attempted to persuade them otherwise and told them that God was their King and that no man is like unto Him. The Prophet Samuel solemnly protested saying, "A Man King will burden you with many taxes and steal your land, crops and children from you and lead you to worship false gods, causing God’s wrath and Judgment against you and your children". So how did the Israelites respond to Samuel's public protest? They loudly and immediately replied, “GIVE US A MAN-KING”. So the Lord said to Samuel, “They have rejected me as King. I shall give them what they want" -(1Sa 8:5‐22).
Likewise, in the same way that ancient Israel rejected God as their God and King and God gave them what they wanted, so likewise, in the latter-days, shall all nations reject Jesus as their God and King, who was ordained of God, long before time even began (Psalms 2:6-8) and God shall give mankind what they want... a world without Him interfering with their pet-peeve lusts, desires and sins! God must allow Satan to rule for a short-time, showing a naive, candid, rebellious and doubting world that JESUS ALONE is King and when He returns, Jesus will defeat this impostor god Satan, in plain view, for all to see, thus delivering us from all evil-doers, death and further suffering! -(Isa 14:13‐17 • Rev 19:11‐20).
Within a very short-span of 7-years, this coming Devil in the flesh, called Anti-Christ, will bring this world into utter chaos and to the brink of utter annihilation, but Jesus will return to save the day. Followed by this time of trouble, that this world has never seen and will never see again ~ (Mat 24:21), will be a thousand years reign of Peace and prosperity like the world has never seen under the rule and leadership of King Jesus, the one and only faithful and true Prince of Peace, accompanied by His many redeemed servants!